I am Raph Roberts.
I Design & Produce Educational Media.

Don't have time to watch the video? Here's a summary ...

I am a Qualified Teacher and Learning Media Producer ...

  • 12 years TAFE NSW media teacher
  • Learning Media Producer for University of New England
  • Royal Australian Navy
  • Department of Community Services
  • Private RTO's

... with a passion for creating deep and effective learning ...

  • Collaboration
  • Creativity
  • Innovaton
  • Management
  • Continuous improvement
  • Research
  • Culture

... and I use and love a range of tools ...

  • Blender 3d
  • Tumult Hype
  • Javascript
  • Wordpress / ACF
  • Moodle / Learndash
  • Unity
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • After Effects
  • Sketch
  • Smart Sparrow

... to create a range of media.

  • Animations
  • Simulations
  • Interactive 3d Experiences
  • Adaptive Scenarios
  • Personalised Learning
  • Web-based Tools
  • Dynamic Websites